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Snake: Building Snake in MoonBit!

· 6 min read


What is Snake?

Snake is a classic arcade game that originated in 1976 with the release of Blockade. This genre experienced a resurgence in the 1990s with the introduction of mobile phones featuring small screens, and nowadays, it is a game that can be installed on most smartphones. There are variations in different versions.

In the game, players control a long, straight line commonly referred to as a snake or worm. The snake continually moves forward, and players can only control the direction of the snake's head (up, down, left, or right). The objective is to navigate the snake, collecting items (often called "beans") while avoiding collisions with the snake's own body or other obstacles. Each time the snake consumes a food item, its body length increases. Consuming multiple food items gradually accelerates the snake's movement speed, increasing the game's difficulty. Game designs typically include modes with walls on all four sides (impassable), modes with certain parts of the walls being traversable, and modes where all walls can be penetrated. Some variations of the game allow the snake to pass through its own body without resulting in a game over, such as Snake vs. Color and Snake Evolution Theory. Today, we will show you how to implement Snake game using MoonBit.

The complete code example:

If you want to have a try, please click on the following link:

How to implement Snake using MoonBit?

Use struct GameState to build this game:

struct GameState{
mut grid: Array[Int]
mut body: List[Position]
mut dir: Direction

Use grid to initialize the color of every grid:

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0

0 represents the simple grid, 1 represents snake's body, 2 represents the food

Game interface after initialization:


Generating Food

fn random() -> Double = "Math" "random"
fn floor(i: Double) -> Int = "Math" "floor"

fn generate_Food(self: GameState){
while true {
let i : Int = floor(random() * 20.0)
let j : Int = floor(random() * 20.0)

if(self.grid[j * grid_col_count + i] == grid_num(Default)){
self.setGridType({x: i, y: j}, Food)

Firstly, use two external reference functions to randomly generate the horizontal and vertical coordinates for the new food. Then, use grid_num to determine whether the newly generated coordinates can be placed. Finally, use the setGridTypemethod to designate it as food.

Control the snake's movement

pub fn tran_step(self : GameState, a : Int){
let mut action : Direction = Default
match a {
1 => action = Up
2 => action = Down
3 => action = Left
4 => action = Right
_ => action = Default


pub fn step(self : GameState, action : Direction) {

match action {
// move up
Up =>{
if length(self.body) == 1{
self.dir = Up
if self.dir == Left || self.dir == Right || self.dir == Up{
self.dir = Up
self.dir = self.dir


// move down
Down =>{
if length(self.body) == 1{
self.dir = Down
if self.dir == Left || self.dir == Right || self.dir == Down{
self.dir = Down
self.dir = self.dir


// move left
Left =>{
if length(self.body) == 1{
self.dir = Left
if self.dir == Up || self.dir == Left || self.dir == Down{
self.dir = Left
self.dir = self.dir


// move right
Right =>{
if length(self.body) == 1{
self.dir = Right
if self.dir == Up || self.dir == Right || self.dir == Down{
self.dir = Right
self.dir = self.dir

_ =>{
self.dir = self.dir



First, the trans_step method is used to identify the response of the external keyboard and correspond to different input direction instructions.

Secondly, use the step method to filter whether the input direction is legal. The game stipulates that the snake cannot turn 180 degrees, but when the length of the snake's body is 1, the snake can move freely up, down, left, and right.

Finally, call the go_step method to complete the snake's movement.

fn go_step(self: GameState){
let head : Position = get_head(self.body)
let newHead : Position = {x: head.x , y: head.y }

newHead.x = dir_posi(self.dir).x + newHead.x
newHead.y = dir_posi(self.dir).y + newHead.y

newHead.x = (newHead.x + grid_col_count) % grid_col_count
newHead.y = (newHead.y + grid_col_count) % grid_col_count

if self.grid[newHead.y * grid_col_count + newHead.x] == 1{
}else if self.grid[newHead.y * grid_col_count + newHead.x] == 2{

self.setGridType(newHead, Body)
self.body = Cons(newHead, self.body)
}else {

self.setGridType(newHead, Body)
self.body = Cons(newHead, self.body)
self.setGridType(get_tail(self.body), Default)
self.body = delete_tail(self.body)


In the go_step method, first obtain the position of the new head through the Position of self.dir, and secondly determine whether the position of the new head is an ordinary grid, a snake's body, or food.

  • If it is a normal grid, set the new head as part of the snake and remove the snake's original tail.
  • If it is the snake's body, end the current game round, and reinitialize the entire game.
  • If it is food, consume the food and set its position as part of the snake's body.

Draw graphics with MoonBit External Ref

Declare external function references

type Canvas_ctx

fn set_stroke_color(self : Canvas_ctx, color : Int) = "canvas" "set_stroke_color"

fn set_line_width(self : Canvas_ctx, width : Double) = "canvas" "set_line_width"

fn stroke_rect(self : Canvas_ctx, x : Int, y : Int, width : Int, height : Int) = "canvas" "stroke_rect"

fn fill_rect(self : Canvas_ctx, x : Int, y : Int, width : Int, height : Int) = "canvas" "fill_rect"

fn set_fill_style(self : Canvas_ctx, color : Int) = "canvas" "set_fill_style"

Then proceed with drawing.

pub fn draw(canvas : Canvas_ctx, snake : GameState) {
let mut c = 0

// draw backgroud
while c < grid_col_count {
canvas.fill_rect(c, 0, 1, grid_row_count)
c = c + 1

draw_piece(canvas, snake.grid, (0, 0))

pub fn draw_piece(canvas : Canvas_ctx, matrix : Array[Int],
offset : (Int, Int)) {

let mut r = 0
let mut c = 0
let mut c0 = 0
while c < matrix.length() {
if matrix[c] == 0 {
c = c + 1
c0 = c % grid_col_count
r = c / grid_col_count
canvas.set_fill_style(matrix[c] + 1)
canvas.fill_rect( offset.0 + c0, r, 1, 1)
canvas.stroke_rect( c0, r, 1, 1)
c = c + 1

JavaScript Keyboard Listening and Updating

window.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
if (!requestAnimationFrameId) return
switch (e.key) {
case "ArrowLeft": {
snake_step(snake, 3)
snake_draw(context, snake)
case "ArrowRight": {

snake_step(snake, 4)
snake_draw(context, snake)
case "ArrowDown": {

snake_step(snake, 2)
snake_draw(context, snake)
case "ArrowUp": {

snake_step(snake, 1)
snake_draw(context, snake)


update the screen, calling the snake_step and snake_draw methods

function update(time = 0) {
const deltaTime = time - lastTime
dropCounter += deltaTime
if (dropCounter > dropInterval) {
snake_step(snake, 5);
dropCounter = 0
lastTime = time
snake_draw(context, snake)
requestAnimationFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(update)