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7 posts tagged with "MoonBit"

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Writing tests with joy: MoonBit expect testing

· 9 min read


In the realm of software development, testing is an essential step to ensure quality and reliability. Therefore, testing tools play a critical role in this. The simpler and more user-friendly testing tools are, the more developers are willing to write. While manual testing has its place, the deciding and typing task can be painful enough that it actually discourages developers from writing tests.

What is an efficient testing tool then? In the blog “What if writing tests was a joyful experience?”, James Somers introduces expect tests which make printing itself easy and save you from the daunting task of writing tests by hand.

To address this need, the MoonBit standard library introduced the inspect function, which we call expect tests, aiding in rapid writing tests. MoonBit's expect testing improves testing experience even better than that of OCaml and Rust, as it operates independently without the need for any external dependencies, enabling direct testing out of the box.

Open sourcing MoonBit Core

· 2 min read


MoonBit is a Rust-like language (with GC support) and toolchain optimized for WebAssembly experience. Today, we're excited to open source MoonBit Core, under Apache License 2.0. Since its launch in October 2022, the MoonBit platform is iterating so fast that we have shipped a full blown Cloud IDE, compiler, build system, package manager, and documentation generator.

MoonBit is close to beta status and the language features are stabilizing. We've established the essential infrastructure to support core library development, ensuring increased stability in language features. We are happy to open source the core and make the development public so that we can have more feedback from daily users.