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weekly 2024-01-22

· 2 min read

MoonBit Update:

  • Added syntactic sugar for matrix functions to easily define local functions and anonymous functions with pattern matching:
fn init {
fn boolean_or { // local function with pattern matching
true, _ => true
_, true => true
_, _ => false
fn apply(f, x) {
let _ = apply(fn { x => x + 1 }, 42) // anonymous function
let _ = apply(fn { // anonymous function with pattern match
0 => 0
1 => 1
_ => 2
}, 42)
  • Added syntax for constructing records using T::{ ... }. This syntax allows explicit record disambiguation and better completion for labels in the record:
struct T {
x: Int
y: Int

struct T2 {
x: Int
y: Int

fn init {
let x = T::{x: 1, y: 2}
debug(x.x + x.y) // 3
  • Officially removed the syntax var id = expr.

  • The new testing syntax test "name" {} is used to replace the original fn test_name(){}. Currently, only tests with top-level indentation are recognized as keywords, and in the future, test will no longer be supported as an identifier. Old syntax: fn test_name {} New syntax: test "name" {}

  • Supported the use of return statements within init or test code blocks.

fn init  {
if i > 0 {

test {
if i > 0 {

Plugin Update

  • Improved syntax highlighting:

